Mordecai Mengesteab

student. coder. senator. builder.
Version v2.0.0
PDF Download Resume

about me

i'm mordecai mengesteab, an engineer and developer who loves making ideas tangible. my passion lies in rethinking systems, solving problems in unexpected ways, and building tools that help others do the same. i've worked on everything from mission-critical systems for rockets to gamified fitness platforms—all while exploring the cutting edge of tech.



a course dependency explorer for ncsu, using graph databases to turn the labyrinth of course prerequisites into a navigable map. built with a focus on accessibility and ease of use. launched for ncsu but support coming soon for unc. used local llm pipeline for messier data analysis beyond basic scraping and data cleaning

│ Status: Finished (mostly)       │
│ Timeline: 2024 - present        │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Scraping: Python, Scrapy      │
│ - Frontend: Next.JS, React      │
│ - Backend: Node + Express       │
│ - DB Pipeline: Neo4j, Llama 3.2 │
│ - Deployment: Docker, Vercel    │

a textbook swapping and selling platform for ncsu students. built with a focus on user experience and accessibility, it aims to make the process of buying and selling textbooks as easy as possible. (along with reducing the waste of textbooks)

│ Status: Finished (mostly)       │
│ Timeline: 2024 - present        │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Frontend: Next.JS, React      │
│ - Backend: Node + Express, EC2  │
│ - DB: Prisma, AWS RDS           │
│ - Deployment: Docker, Vercel    │

liquid rocketry lab

designed mission control systems for real-time rocket telemetry with drag-and-drop graphs and sub-millisecond latency, making insights accessible and actionable.

│ Status: Ongoing                 │
│ Timeline: 2024 - present        │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Data Flow: Redis, Docker      │
│ - Frontend: React, Tailwind CSS │
│ - Backend: Python, Rust         │

universitrack simplifies college applications with generative ai. taken from ideation to product, it personalizes essay-writing assistance and tracks deadlines by connecting academics, hobbies, and goals.

│ Status: Live                    │
│ Timeline: 2023 - present        │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Backend: Golang, PostgreSQL   │
│ - Frontend: React, Tailwind CSS │


quizless reimagined study tools with GPT integration, enabling auto-generated questions and smarter quizzes—launched months before quizlet's ai features.

│ Status: Completed               │
│ Timeline: April 2023            │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Backend: Node.js, Express     │
│ - Frontend: React               │
│ - Database: MongoDB             │


my first internship where i developed 3D simulations and digital twins for education and healthcare. highlights include questsim, an immersive historical learning tool.

│ Status: Completed               │
│ Timeline: 2023 - 2024           │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - Simulations: Unity,           │
│   React Three Fiber             │
│ - UI: React                     │


a mobile platform to connect users with nonprofits and charities. additionally, utilized PostGIS to allow for geospatial connections for nearby connections. while challenges in industrial grade web scraping led to shelving, the project offered valuable insights into scaling real-world data pipelines.

│ Status: Shelved                 │
│ Timeline: 2023                  │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - App: React Native             │
│ - Backend: Python, Supabase     │


started as a gym tracker with check-ins and streaks. now pivoting to explore general computer vision for real-time behavior tracking.

│ Status: Pivoting                │
│ Timeline: 2024 - present        │
│ Tech Stack:                     │
│ - CV: Pytorch, DeepLabv3        │
│ - App: React Native             │

what's next?

│ exploring the intersection of ai, medicine, wearable      │
│ tech, and robotics.                                       │
│                                                           │
│ current works in progress:                                │
│ - analyzing raleigh's urban ecosystem with satellite      │
│   imagery.                                                │
│                                                           │
│ always asking: how can tech make lives better—on earth,   │
│ and beyond?                                               │